Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Morrie's question to me!!!

As I was reading the book - "tuesdays with morrie", I came across this thing. In the book, the lead character, Morrie asks Koppel "Tell me something close to your heart.", and Koppel's reply was about his children.

As I read the above context, I imagined morrie sitting in front of me, and shooting the same question at me - "Well Suresh, Tell me something close to your heart". 

I stared at the imaginary-him as I ran the question thrice inside me. In the first run, My parents and my sisters crossed my mind. But I didn't want to talk about them to him for it might sound as a cliche. Apparently, family comes first to anyone's mind, for obvious reasons or in some cases, forced. Hence, I had to run the question again. This time several names - who didn't share a blood relation with me - crossed my mind. 

They were -

A - the one whom I thought was the best friend I ever had. He was a cool guy who respected friendship, and was helpful to anyone that he does and doesn't know. I bet he will be the same forever. He was my inspiration in many ways. Though I don't have the same propinquity with him now, he will always remain SPECIAL to me. 

B - the one who always has a smile in her face (Heard she cried at times, but couldn't see her cry by myself), and calls me 'thambi' affectionately. There were times when I had to argue and fight with her. There were times when we didn't talk for a while. There were times when we spoke continuously for more than an hour over the phone (It was only with her I did speak for such a long time over the phone). 

C - the only person other than me who knows me well - who knows all my secrets, all my happiness, and all my sorrows. I had never thought I would get to meet such a person in my life. My BEST friend i would say, and may be that is why 'C' get to know all about me.

D - the most important of all, the SPECIAL one. (some) people say I'm helpful and caring. In one way, 'D' is the reason behind. 

E and F - the two souls who give me support whenever I'm in need of, and want me to acheive my dreams.

As I was cogitating to pick one from the above list, my mind took a pause. It asked me, "You do have few souls to choose from, but what about you being close to someone's heart? Do you at least have anyone who would name you as the one close to their heart?"

Man, it was indeed a question that I can't answer confidently. Even my parents, if asked, would rate my sisters above me for they are, undoubtedly, better than me in every known way. And to be frank, I would endorse it without any second thoughts.

I thought of few names who might say me as the one who is close to their heart, but again i couldn't be confident. It proves I am not a worthy-buddy yet. Man, I should work on it. I have to, and I will.

Hmmm... well, the book made me think. No wonder there are many fans for this book. I myself becoming one among them.

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