Saturday, July 23, 2011

Meme time again

I badly wanted to do a post today, and with the laziness I had, I felt nothing would be better than a 'Meme' post. Like my other meme posts till date - first and second, I got this one as well from this blog.

So here it goes -

1. Last movie you saw in a theater?

I go to the theater almost on every weekend (wheresoever a bachelor who is fond of movies go when staying with his friends). Hence, the answer will be one of the latest movies that got released last weekend, and it’s “Deiva Thirumagal”. Unlike few other Tamil movies that were inspired from some Hollywood flicks, this isn’t a direct copy of the original. The movie is loosely (a trifle more than that, actually) inspired from the Hollywood flick – “I am Sam”. I have seen the original long back, and it still holds fast to the list of my favorite movies. Deiva Thirumagal, like the original, gets added to that list.

2. What book are you reading?

Thinking Write by Kelly.L.Stone. (I'm not sure I will be thinking right after reading this, anyway.)

3. Favorite board game?

Business. It’s one of the few board games that solely involves ‘luck’, save the cheating involved if your best friend acts as the banker. The time spent on playing this game taught me that there is a factor called luck that plays a vital role in our life. ‘Chess’ comes a close second, just because it involves the ‘brain’ factor rather than luck. But I would suggest 'Scrabble' for any kids.

4. Favorite magazine?

Sports Star, always (though, of late, I didn’t get a chance to read it). It was the only reason, in my school days, for I was seen at the library often. Also, it was the only magazine I actually read rather than flipping over the pages looking at the photos alone.

5. Favorite smells?

The smell of Petrol, Kerosene and, on top of all, the smoke that pumps out of a lorry. (I don't find it strange as some people might feel about it because I have heard few of my friends too like these a lot.)

6. Favorite place to relax?

Beach, and sometimes, a Theater.

7. Worst feeling in the world?

Guilt and Embarrassment.

8. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?

It varies. But I'm not a sort of person who prays to God as soon as he wakes up, or who cogitates his DOs and DON'Ts for the day. Moreover, I don't actually remember what I thought when I woke up today.

9. The blog that you are exploring currently?

I have been following h-h-hello for long, and this for quite sometime now.

10. Future child’s name?

Have to think about it after I get married. One thing is for sure, it will not depend on the horoscope (even if my wife, or my parents or her parents insist).

11. Finish this statement. “If I had lot of money I’d….?

not be blogging now, maybe (and I'd, for sure, not have bought an IPL team).

12. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

Hell no, and will never do that.

13. Storms – cool or scary?

Scary, but only once for the unimaginable experience. Otherwise it’s cool always.

14. Favorite drink?

Nimbooz by 7up.

15. Finish this statement, “If I had the time I would….”?

have finished this meme, a couple of days, earlier.

16. Do you wish to be a nerd?

Yes, I do. I want to be someone, for a while, that I have never been till date. :-D

17. If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?

I wouldn't do it. So, why to care about the choice?

18. Name all the different cities/towns you’ve lived in?

Pudukkottai (Newfort), Chennai and Bhubaneswar.

19. Favorite sports to watch?

Football and Hockey.

20. One nice thing about the person who sent this to you?

I wish it was sent by someone, to the least of all – for the sake of answering this question. Sadly, that’s not the case.

21. Would you like to be born as yourself again?

Not again.


That’s it, one more meme is done.

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