Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I wasn't wrong!!!

Yesterday, my friend gave me a call at an unusual time. He was one of the very few people with whom I had shared almost all my stories I wrote. He was always an active follower of my stories, and once done reading those, he would call me to give his comments. Yesterday's call was also of that sort, the only difference being it wasn't for the comments on any of my stories, but on my recent blog post - "What I prefer".

He wasn't particularly happy about my preference for the question - Tamil or English. He was upset, disappointed and, on top of all, was angry on me for choosing English over Tamil, my mother tongue. Here is the excerpt from that particular post.
9. Tamil or English.English. Simply because I was always poorer in Tamil than English.
He, in fact, kind of jovially threatened me by saying that he would start a thread on this topic in Facebook. I know, he wasn't serious. Even if he was, I'm least bothered about it. The main reason for this post is not his threat, but my responsibility - the responsibility of clearing things up. I just don't want to get to be mistaken by my friends for what I am not.

Well, to answer him, I didn't insult Tamil in any way. I swear, I never will. I just said that I prefer English to Tamil, and I guess I had given a valid reason - the fact that I'm just poorer in Tamil than in English - to back up that. I can't help but say how hard I have struggled to write in Tamil with least possible spelling mistakes. And, moreover, given the fact that I haven't got that much chance to write in Tamil in the past 7 years, not a sane person will expect me to write perfectly in Tamil.

Okay, maybe, he might have thought I choose English over Tamil in the context of a better language. If so, I just want to make it clear that he was completely wrong. My preference was just in the context of writing and communicating. That was the way I felt. If anyone wants my preference in the context of a better language, I will, obviously choose Tamil over any other language. No doubt in that. Reasons -
  1. It's my mother tongue, after all.
  2. I have read and heard several positive things about Tamil all through my school days.
  3. I have been talking in Tamil umpteen times more than English ever since I started talking.
  4. Lastly, I didn't know the history of English unlike I do about Tamil.
So, to him and other followers of this blog, I still say I prefer English over Tamil in the context I had explained earlier. If you guys still think I was wrong, then help yourselves. So there.


  1. First of all, I understand. Also, I always know that you will also be as fanatic about it as every Tamizhian would do so. Or otherwise you have to be so. I did blogging in English, that never means that I did since I am strong or desired about than my language. Since, I just tried to make business with it. I want you to know something - I am much, much and much better in my splendid, legendary and the world's oldest surviving language Tamizh than this word-beggar English. You can be better than me in that too, as you always had been in everything. And you have to be too...

  2. First of all, Thanks for understanding. And I know how much you're interested and talented, of course, in Tamil. That's the fact even if you deny it. Least of me to say that here. For the stories you had written, and for the numerous novels you had read, you're and you'll be top, as always. Best Wishes for you.....

  3. At-least try for our language for it should not just remain on the stones as inscriptions in upcoming centuries. And about me, for that you have said: Our circumstance knows the reality...

  4. I'm sure people like you will strive to save Tamil at any cost. So, Tamil won't remain merely in the stones, instead the names of you people will be carved on it.


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