As I was stalking this blog, I ended up reading this post. Well, Sameer Jha, (I don’t know who he is, or what he looks like for I have never met or talked to him yet. In fact, he doesn’t even know I’m stalking to his blog lately) himself had stated that anyone, who has a blog, is more than welcome to do a post on this topic. He had also given the right to modify the questions. So here I am, with this post. Unlike the reasons for his post, I just do this to increase the count of the posts in my blog (and yeah, I guess, I can also copy a part of his reasons – personal time pass – as well).
So, here are the 15 questions with my preference. NOTE: Few questions are edited to suit me, and my stand on life)
1. Night or Day
Night, for I always feel the complete me in the night’s silence accompanied by the moon light (just the darkness will do on a New Moon day).
2. Facebook or Twitter
Twitter. It’s always nice to follow the celebrities – whom you admire and cherish – to know what’s happening with them, in a quick, elegant and simpler way. Who cares what of yours reaches others as long as something of others reaches you.
Moreover, I got used and attached to Twitter more quicker than Facebook. Although, by and by I found FB has more to offer, it was just too late. Additionally, I could spend a day without logging into FB, but that’s not the case with Twitter.
P.S: I also considered Orkut as a choice, but it’s out of question in today’s world of Facebook and Twitter (and well, that’s strictly my personal view. Pardon me, if I’m wrong).
3. Arranged Marriage or Love Marriage
Love Marriage, though my mom is leniently against it.
I would always say, marrying a good friend of yours would make your life only better. “Love the person, Marry the person, and Live the life.”
4. Pudukkottai or Chennai
I have spent my past 7 years in Chennai, which of course, by the fact, are the most crucial years of my life. Chennai, offered me a lot, both in a personal and professional front. But how can one choose something over their hometown that still holds the top spot in their heart for the cherishing, everlasting memories it had given. So I go for my ‘Newfort’ (that’s the name I tag for Pudukkottai to my friends).
5. Good looks or Intelligence
Intelligence. Good looks might take someone to greater heights, but won’t grip them there forever, whereas Intelligence always does.
6. Money or Respect
Respect. Money, at times, could make you selfish, but the respect you own will always make even a selfish person to be altruistic to you.
Plus, money doesn’t get you respect,whereas, respect gets you money (you can easily borrow money from someone when you have the respect). 
7. School or College
College. It’s where I had no fear of the teachers, my parents, and moreover no worries about being less studious than my siblings. But no second thoughts, I always loved the care-free life of my school days.
8. fingerspoint.blogspot or fingerspoint.wordpress
WordPress, maybe because it’s new to me. Anything new is always interesting and exciting to be associated with.
9. Tamil or English.
English. Simply because I was always poorer in Tamil than English.
10. Tea or Coffee or Milk
Coffee. But the fact is I had gulped a lot more of Milk than Coffee or Tea, all my life (Thanks to my Mom).
11. Maths or Physics (or any other science subjects)
Maths, any time. It’s after all my favorite subject in all my classes. I love to solve some problems than sketching some crap figures. 
12. Football or Cricket or Hockey
Football. Hockey comes a close second, but Cricket is way behind.
13. US or UK
I love football. So I’d choose the land for Football over the land for Baseball/Basketball. Even this day, watching a premier league match, preferably at Old Trafford, Manchester, tops my wish-list.
14. Director or Writer
Director, always. I’d choose to be Selvaraghavan over Chetan Bhagat. They both are my favorite in their path.
15. Me or You
Well, having talking about selfishness in the 6th question, I can’t be selfish here.
So, unarguably, it’s ‘You’.
And yeah, for that compliment for ‘You’, you owe me, and it’s your pay back time. I know you’re genuinely a good person who just don’t like to owe someone forever. So you could repay me by dropping your comments in this post. Also, if you are tempted to throw any random questions at me which, you might feel, should have made to this list of 15, you’re most welcome. Dare it. So there.
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