Saturday, August 27, 2011

Read - Write - Be Open

Few days back, a good friend of mine told me about this blog. The blogger was her junior at school, she said. My friend was a good reader herself, and she suggesting a blog as very interesting to read made me curious about the blogger and the blog itself. It was true. She writes well. Her posts were really cool. I happen to stalk into few other blogs – this, this and this – from there. They all write well. “Oh my gosh! How could they all so write well?” I wondered. I kept reading their blog for hours.

I found, from reading through their blog, that they all are vivid readers. And that’s the reason they write well. I could see few posts about how much they read, and as in, how much they love reading. I just looked at me. I was no way near them. I have heard people say, “Read more to write at least a few. Read a lot more to write well.”

Given my poor reading legacy, how possibly could I get as good to write as them? Maybe, few people like what I write, or in other probable way, maybe they have to like it; No other way, as many of them who read mine aren’t reading many blogs, and that turns in to my favor. They read only me and like what I write. That’s the way it is; that’s the way it has been.

The bloggers who I had mentioned earlier also have more followers. That could possibly be their motivation as well. I don’t have many. In fact, I never really shared my blog to many. As it goes, not many of my friends know I write let alone the existence of my blog. Few of my friends, and my sister too, wanted me to share it with my other friends. I didn’t pay heed to it. Reason – I didn’t write for them; I just do for my own sake. I just write what I wanted to, what I feel like. I just write to vent out my whatever-you-may-call-it.

Now, as I read through the blogs, I feel really motivated. I want to explore my writing. Not that I want to be like them, but just in order to move a step ahead. And as think about it, I just wonder about two things.

#1. How do they get time to write frequently?

Time – That matters the most. I really find it difficult to get time to write. Okay, it’s not that I’m busy or something. I can’t fake myself or anyone else with that reason anymore for I do know I have time. It’s just that I can’t find it. Maybe, one can point it out as laziness. It could be apt, by close, I guess. I see these bloggers do at least 3 posts a week. Look at my history. It's damn poor compared to theirs. I often marvel, is it my job that makes me too lazy to write, too busy to get time to write? I don’t have a concrete answer for that. I only wish I could write more in future.

#2. How do they are so open to the world?

Openness – This haunts me often. There are many posts that lie in my drafts still. The reason, I could say, is as I started writing them, at certain point, I was forced to be truthful about certain things that I didn't want in that way. I don’t want people to know more about me and my inclination about certain things. I don't want want to be untruthful either. That's a good thing at least I don't write something untruthful.

Also, there are stuffs, I feel, I shouldn’t probably write about. I couldn’t help it. I’m just working on it. Maybe, in near future, I will bomb out the restrictions in me. Today, as I was stalking the above mentioned blogs, this post [titled: Let’s talk about sex] caught my eye. I was left in shell shock on seeing the frankness of the writer. Was it because her parents or brother weren't following her blog? Or was it just because she doesn't care about it?

Whatever, I always felt that a writer shouldn't really care about anyone but him/her. I never followed it myself. Maybe, that's why I don't recognize myself as a writer yet. So, one day, when I call myself as a writer I would have come out of my bounds. I'm sure one day I will.


  1. :D thank you for the mention.
    Was it Shanmugha Priya who recommended the blog?

    And as to the time, I make time, because I consider blogging my hobby, one that I'm passably ok at, hence the extra effort.

    And being open, the trick is to find the balance between the right amount of personal moments and not giving away too much:)

  2. Hey Priyanka.... Thanks :-)

    And Yeah, it was her who recommended your blog....


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