Saturday, September 17, 2011

Puppy Love

Now, from the title, don't get into any wrong conclusion by yourself. Let me tell you, this post isn’t about the love of the ‘puppies’. Oh God! No, how the hell did I know about their love? I have never been a puppy myself and I not even had a puppy in my home, to say the least. Also, I wasn’t brainy to do some research in that area either. So, if you’re already into any such conclusion, shift-delete that from the ‘brainy’ you. 

Like I mentioned, this post isn’t about the actual puppies. Instead, this is about the ‘puppy’ human – an informal way to address the ‘formal’ kid, and the love that blossoms in them. Okay, wait, I hear someone saying, “You idiot, that isn’t LOVE, it’s something called CRUSH.” 

Who is that? On no, it’s actually a bunch of people shouting at me. 

Never mind, “Hey, you real idiots, that’s not always a crush (I will crush the fool who coined the term ‘crush’, if I get to see him now),” I say. 

What do you people know about LOVE anyway? Just because you have more experience than me or have heard some dumb-ass saying hell of a lot about crush doesn’t mean a kid can’t fall in love. Please understand this, and if you can’t, just shut the *something* (I know the word precisely, but its offensive or so was told) up. 

When you hear your friend saying about the girl whom he had been studying with in his lower class, say fifth standard, and his love for her, the instant answer (or a guess) from you would be, “Hey come on man, that’s not love, but a mere crush or infatuation (another horrible word I would like to remove from the so-and-so dictionaries available in this world). How come you love someone at that age?” Which idiot told them love comes only at or after so-and-so age? I wonder. 

People think a kid can’t fall in love, meaning they can’t feel the real love. Okay, let me ask them, how many grownups actually feel the real love? If you analyze their case in depth, you would get to the point where it started from, what you say, crush or infatuation. All it takes is just the time and trust to feel the real love, no matter what your age is. Not that I mean all kids’ love are real. In fact, most of them are mere crush, but please empathize that not all kids’ love can be categorized into something called crush. There exists the ‘puppy’ love that is real. 

Few days back, I went to my neighbors’ to invite them for my birthday party. Unfortunately, I was held up by their son as he was in the call with his girlfriend. He held me with his hand that I couldn't force myself away from him until he hung up the call. Damn, he was too strong or as some people used to say about me, I was too weak given my age. Probably I too will be strong when I’m his age. 

“Why are you flirting with her?” he asked pointing the girl at the road. 

“What –ting?” I asked him baffled. 


Damn it, he hit me on my head. He took advantage of his height. I was still struggling to get out of his hold. 

“Why are you flirting with her?” he repeated this time giving more stress to the fourth word. 

I stood still looking as if I didn’t get him yet. The fact was I didn't really. 

“Why are you always holding her hands? And why are you furious at the guy who talks to her?” he started ferociously. 

“Nope, I am not,” I replied. 

“Yes, you are. I have been watching you idiot,” he said. 

Why the hell did he watch me? What the hell it does to him, if or not I hold her hand? Moreover, he is in love with some girl already (He himself told me few months back). So irrefutably, I’m safe for if he accuses of me for being in love with someone, he himself is in one. 

“Are you in love?” He asked me blatantly. 

I nodded strongly. (Though later I had second thoughts for my instant nodding.) 

He laughed himself out. I wanted to give him the *ting*, a real hard one. I couldn’t. 

“Just like you,” I replied. 

“Just like me? Are you kidding? This thing is not a love, just a crush.” 

“No” I broke him in. 

“Or infatuation. That’s it. Don’t get into any trouble,” he said with his eyes wide open. 

I ran back to my home. Jealous, he is, I thought. He smokes; he fuddles and still has a girlfriend, and says he is in love with her. That seems to be fine for him. I don’t drink or smoke and I have a girlfriend whom I'm in love with. Still that doesn’t seem to be fine for him. Not only him, but many feel the same way. How do you expect the kids to prove their love? By cutting their hand with a blade or any other sharp tools like most of the grownups do (I have seen this in many movies. Fools, they are)? Alas, they are still scared of blood. Trust me, that’s something too much to ask for. 

Okay, now, I just request you not to be mad at me for all my ramblings. With due respect, I invite you for my tenth birthday party tomorrow, of course, it’s a puppy birthday party – no booze, no smoke, no hot babes and no whatever-you-find-in-a-adult-party. Please consider this as my personal invite. If you grace the occasion with your esteem presence, I will grace you back by introducing my girl to you. Wondering what’s special with her? Have you seen Sara in ‘Deiva Thirumagal’ movie? Did you like her? If so, you will just love my girl; even if you didn’t, you will still love my girl. She is my girl, after all. 

Actually, I haven’t got her confirmation yet as she is a tad disappointed lately. Reason, she had already celebrated her tenth birthday few months back. Alas, blame it on the stupid grownups again. They are ones who had been used to (and still are) the norm – a girl should be younger than her husband – that is insanely projected as a respectable one. Idiots, they are. Okay, see you tomorrow. I have a tough job of persuading her. I hope she will come for the party for I’m going to threaten her of not giving her the kiss that she asks every day before she leaves me if she won’t turn up tomorrow. Oh sorry, not a kiss, but a peck on her cheek (She likes to call it this way). If that doesn't work out, I'm going to please her by saying "I love you".

1 comment:

  1. "People need loving the most when they deserve it the least." ~ John Harrigan


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